Wednesday 29 August 2012

Gloucester Island

This is our view of Gloucester Island in the morning from Nellie Bay. It seems like the island is being bashful and hiding her charms behind a veil (maybe I've been on a boat to long and really it's just a morning mist). Anyway Gloucester Island is a pretty impressive sight especially if you include the passage between it and the mainland.
We spent the following night anchored ourside a small resort on the mainland. We went for a walk around it the following morning. Gill was pretty keen to go for a swim in their pool, but we would have been the only people in it and there was signs saying that only residents were allowed (which we would have ignored - obviously) so we gave it a miss. Moved on after lunch to Bowen which is about a three hour sail away. We would have liked to go for a walk on Gloucester Island, but apparently Death Adders are common there. One is too common for me - especially with a name like that!
This is Gloucester Passage as we left. Would have taken more photos of the island, but she seemed determined to keep her veil in place until after we left.

Being so close to Gloucester Island got us thinking about all the people back home in Gloucester UK.

Apparently the streets of England are no longer paved with gold - however the post boxes are.

Actually the post office have decided to paint to local postbox of all Olympic Gold Medal winners gold. What a brilliant idea!

In one city where a resident had won a bronze medal, someone painted their local postbox bronze. The post office were up in arms about it and said that they will send somebody round to paint it red again. What a load of arseholes! If they don't want to paint bronze postboxes for the bronze winners, fine but if somebody else paints it - leave it alone. In one second they lost all kudos for the brilliant gold painting idea!

For those of you who don't know Gill's mum was called Lillian smurthwaite. Before the Smurf's were created/born my dad always shortened the family name to Smurf. (Should have patented the name dad - we'd be millionaires now).

Anyway Jenny spotted this car driving around Western Australia - didn't use to believe in reincarnation before, but................

Just in case any of the pommie Furleys or Smurthwaites believe that we've become Australian. Here are the eldest two grandchildren showing who they support (Gloucester RFC). Their England shirt was in the wash at the time.